The People’s CO2


Stay tuned for our 2025 calendar of events.

Our Mission

We believe the power to impact climate change belongs to all of us.
We’ve created a non-toxic, climate-fighting paint so that companies and consumers,
big and small, can lower their carbon footprint one project at a time.

Meet Our Carbon Capture Paint

Our Carbon Capture Paint is Rock Powered!

  • o Art projects

    o DIY projects

    o Educational tools

  • o Let our ColorLab match your organization’s custom colors

    o Community Outreach & Education

    o Add a positive narrative to your building and repair projects

  • Let us help you paint:

    o Your company’s building

    o Furniture

    o Parking lots

    o Bridges

    o City infrastructure

    o Fleets of machinery

    We can help with an environmental analysis to determine how much our paint can impact your company’s carbon footprint

Our paint is non-toxic and can be used on most surfaces including: wood, metal, stone, and canvas

Our founder (a NASA scientist and doctor of biomolecular & chemical engineering) realized that rocks already found in abundance on Earth can hold their weight in carbon dioxide, and by adding natural ingredients and pigment our team created a non-toxic, climate-fighting paint!

Let’s help planet Earth, TOGETHER!

Earth isn’t Earth without Community

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